
Magoni M., Radaelli R., The Climate Transition Strategy of the city of Brescia (Italy)[J]. Urban Resilience and Sustainability, 2023 

Magoni M., Radaelli R., A Method of Heat Risk Territorial Assessment to Support the Urban Planning, in Italian Journal of Planning Practices, 2022, Vol 12, pagg. 82-109, ISSN: 2239-267X,

Felloni, M.F., The Eco-Neighbourhoods: Cases to Learn in the Transition Toward Urban Sustainability, in New Metropolitan Perspectives, pg 559-569, Springer, 2022

Magoni M., Radaelli R., Toward a Shared Glossary for Territorial Risk Management Due to Climate Change, in Italian Journal of Planning Practice – Vol. 11, n. 1, anno 2021, Springer International Publishing

Magoni M., A Resilience View of the School and Neighbourhood Community Actions, in Fianchini M. (a cura di), Renewing Middle School Facilities, Springer (Switzerland), 2020

Felloni, M. F.,Territori resilienti ai rischi climatici. Una esperienza di ricerca-azione per le imprese del territorio piacentino, in CITTA’ IN CONTROLUCE, Volume 35/36 Pg. 87- 102, 2020

Magoni M., Adami R., The decision-making steps for the construction of Renewable Energy Plants: an analysis of the conflict factors of the Italian authorisation procedures, in Italian Journal of Planning Practices, Vol. X, issue 1, pagg. 106-124, 2020

Minucci, G.; Gazzola, Veronica; Felloni, M.; Pesaro, G.; Menoni, S., 2020, Per un territorio di imprese resilienti, in “XXII Conferenza Nazionale SIU Società Italiana degli Urbanisti L’URBANISTICA ITALIANA DI FRONTE ALL’AGENDA 2030 PER LO SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE”, Matera-Bari, 05/06/2019 – 07/06/2019, 653 – 659

Magoni M., European energy policies and regional burden sharing. What are the effects on the territory of Lombardy?, in City, Territory and Architecture on line, Springer, published: 12.10.2018

Magoni M., Adami R., The landscapes of energy incentives, in City, Territory and Architecture on line, Springer, published: 31.10.2018

Magoni, Resilience Thinking as a Useful Approach to Reduce the Territorial Risks, in Bellaviti P., Petrillo A. (a cura di), Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization. New strategies for new challenges, with a focus on the Global South, (pagg. 301-308), Springer (Switzerland), 2018

Magoni, Munoz C.M., Climate Change and Heat Waves in Colombia. Possible Effects and Adaptation Strategies, in Bellaviti P., Petrillo A. (a cura di), Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization. New strategies for new challenges, with a focus on the Global South, (pagg. 351-361) Springer, (Switzerland), 2018

Magoni M., Resilience thinking and urban metabolism in spatial planning: which possible integrations, in City, Territory and Architecture online, Springer, published: 23.12.2017

M. Magoni, C. Dezio, A. Colucci, G. Pesaro, R. Redaelli, Observatory of Resilience Practices: Strategies and Perspectives, in “Proceedings of 1st AMSR Congress and 23rd APDR Congress, Sustainability of Territories in the Context of Global Changes, Marrakesh (Morocco), May 30-31, ISBN 978-989-8780-04-1, published 04.06.2016

Magoni, A. Colucci, S. Menoni, Peri-urban areas and food-energy-water nexus. Sustainability and resilience strategies in the age of climate change, Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Springer (Switzerland), 2016

Felloni, M. 2015 -Infrastrutture naturali del territorio e progetto urbano tra emergenze e opportunità. Prove di innovazione per le valli dei torrenti Baganza e Trebbia-XVIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU Atelier_8_Planum_Publisher_2015 

Magoni, Energia e paesaggio al tempo dei cambiamenti climatici, in M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei (Editors), Proceedings REAL CORP 2013. The Planning Times, (pagg. 1169-1176), Tagungsband 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy, ISBN: 978-3-9503110-4-4 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-3-9503110-5-1 (Print), 2013

Felloni. M.F., Architetture d’acqua. Il Progetto urbano e territoriale di ambienti verdi-azzurri. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009